How I Was Gentle With Myself Today
I've been in this stupid sleep trough cycle, where I fall asleep rather quickly for about 4 hours. Then I wake up just about every hour, on the hour, fall back to sleep and get doused in dreams. I don't have nice dreams, so for this to manifest itself multiple times a night is ending up to be rather exhausting. Yesterday I knew I needed to grocery shop today. Before going to bed last night, I was already trotting myself through what the schedule would need to be today. And then, another one of those come the dawn moments, when I woke up this morning I acknowledged that I really, truly didn't HAVE to do anything today. I could make decision spur of the moment as the proverbial spirit moved me. The only thing, as always, standing in my way of doing same was me. I gave it a try. Took myself off the wheel of routine which I was clinging to as it spun around not unlike a ferris wheel building up steam. Just do what you feel like doi...