Reconciling the Unreconcilable
Last New Year's Eve, I wrote 2020 in black marker on one of the grandkid's plastic balls. At midnight, I attempted to kick it out the front door. Instead, the ball bounced off the door frame, back into the house. We laughed, saying that's what kind of year it was. We should have taken it as an omen. When the year turns, I usually 'take stock' as opposed to making resolutions (although last year, the Spousal Unit and I had the same resolution: to kiss each other goodnight, a habit, sadly, we had fallen out of. Pleased to report we kept said resolution pretty well and it has produced, at least for me, a most satisfying way to end the day). I try to spend time in quiet contemplation or prayer, asking myself what I should do to improve my actions, heart and soul in the future. This Advent, I was struck with the phrase, "...when we are brave enough to be who you (God) call us to be." This has become part of my prayers and I'll admit to pulling it ou...