Ten After

I regulate my morning by what time the exercise class I'm attending that day begins.  To my great fortune, it's a quick trip from my bed to the Community Center where classes are held.  And because I am always loathe to roll out of bed, I have it timed down to the last possible minute as to when I need to put it in gear.  

There is, however, an enormous difference between the clock showing five after the hour and ten after.  At five after, I am well assured all morning toilette activities can be completed in time for me to be on time for class.  At five after, I've learned, I can even add in a quick pit stop for Benny outdoors, if necessary, along with luring him back into our bedroom where his kennel and other doggie accoutrements are located.  "Good dog," I say, bribing him with a treat as I close the door behind me.

At ten after, I'm really rolling the dice.  There is a surge of adrenalin as I rush through the prep and more than once I have left my gym bag on the bench at home, only to discover this when I wonder where my gym shoes are.  I know this; it's as data driven as something like this can be.  Yet it's not uncommon for me to see five after and murmur inwardly, "Just five more minutes."

It occurs to me, then, that many of  our fellow citizens, even knowing what we know about the efficacy of the vaccines and the virulence of the Delta variation, opted for five more minutes.  There is a continuing desire to push the edge of the envelope until it's ten after, in some places quarter after, with the intended result being that without being vaccinated, they'll be okay.  They'll make it to the gym on time and if they forget their shoes, oh well, so what.  It's only once that they'll get infected and how bad can it be?  

I have enough of my mother in me--my dad, too--they of the, "This is what happens when we give you nice things; This is why you can't be trusted" approach to life (not all the time, of course, but enough that those phrases still resonate with me) that when the mask mandates were rolled back, I couldn't help but think that it would, indeed, probably be temporary.  The roll back was dependent on what was the initial surge in vaccinations continuing on its ascent.  I kinda figured that as the clock hit five after (high vaccination rate), those who had yet to be vaccinated would roll over and wait until ten after.  Or later.

Today I'm reading of an increasing number of businesses, including Broadway theatres, requiring proof of vaccination in order to engage in whatever opportunities the business offers.  Brava, I say.  If you have a medical exception, you can prove that.  As a country, we have demonstrated that we require protection from ourselves and each other.  We still have an entire segment of our populace, our children under 12, who need that protection.  Roll up your sleeves at five after, America.  Ten after is too risky and it may be too late.

Minnesota is experiencing the ramifications of another ten after, climate change.  We have had over 20 days of 90 plus days this summer, our normal being in the low teens.  People drive hours to the Bold North to escape the summer heat and the state has not delivered thus far.  Yesterday the temperature dropped after over a week straight of 90s, however the air quality due to the smoke trapped in the air from the Canadian wildfires, prompting this:

The Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) has issued an air quality alert for nearly all of Minnesota, except the North Shore. The alert is in progress and continues until Friday, July 30, at 3 p.m. The affected area includes Detroit Lakes, International Falls, Duluth, St Cloud, the Twin Cities, Marshall, Rochester, and the tribal nations of Fond du Lac, Upper Sioux, Leech Lake, Red Lake, Mille Lacs, and Prairie Island.

Northerly winds behind a cold front have brought smoke from wildfires located north of the Canadian border in Ontario and Manitoba into Minnesota. As of 8 a.m. Thursday morning, an area of heavy smoke extends across north central Minnesota, from the Canadian border to St. Cloud. This smoke will continue to move south today. Smoke will remain over the state into Friday. A brief period of very heavy smoke is expected to impact north central Minnesota this morning and south central Minnesota this afternoon. Air quality is expected to improve this afternoon across north central and northeast Minnesota. Overall today, fine particle levels are expected to reach the Red AQI category, a level considered unhealthy for everyone, across north central and south central Minnesota. This area includes Roseau, Baudette, Detroit Lakes, St Cloud, Mankato, the western half of the Twin Cities, and the tribal nations of Upper Sioux, Leech Lake, Red Lake, and Mille Lacs. Fine particle levels are expected to be in the Orange AQI category, a level that is considered unhealthy for sensitive groups, for the remainder of the alert area.

People whose health is affected by unhealthy air quality

People who are more likely to be affected when fine particle pollution reaches an unhealthy level include:

  • Those with asthma or other breathing conditions, such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)
  • People who have heart disease or high blood pressure
  • Children and older adults
  • Those doing heavy, physical activity outdoors, such playing sports or working, especially for extended periods

Health effects

Air pollution can aggravate heart and cardiovascular disease as well as lung diseases like asthma and COPD. When the air quality is unhealthy, people with these conditions may experience symptoms like chest pain, shortness of breath, wheezing, coughing, or fatigue. If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, use your inhalers as directed and contact your health care provider.

Ten after, indeed.

On a brighter note

A few readers have wondered how the puppy is doing.  Thank you for asking!  Benny continues in full puppy mode, delightfully challenging his parents (us).  He firmly believes that every human thinks he is the cutest thing on four paws and is decidedly insulted if, when we are walking, those we meet don't want to stop everything to greet him.  Our neighbor is having his house painted and Benny wants nothing more than to trot over and draw attention away from the house to him.  Fortunately the painter is amenable to same.  He has never NOT slept through the night since we brought him home and as I previously said, as long as I can get my sleep (and stay in bed sometimes until ten after), I'm good to go. 


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