I Am Grateful for All the Bad Things in the World
Today, as befitting the holiday, social media spills over with everything grateful. Family. Friends. Good food and drink. God's blessings in abundance. For this once, I am glad to use the hashtaged #metoo. In what might feel like a switch from the norm, after some consideration I have decided that I am grateful, too, for all the bad things in the world. As opposed to being sucked under by them, I have decided to frame them to push me forward to be a better person. To do good work every day. To challenge myself when I am being judgmental and ask for a blessing on that person rather than thinking they are terrible or horrible or stupid or whatever negative adjective I all too often immediately apply. For me, at least, this is more difficult work than being caught in the miasma of negativity and feeling helpless. I'd rather move past helpless to a space where possibilities exist. I've struggled with knowing I am a white woman ...