Check One Off the List

Perhaps you recall a previous post about the Birdhouse Project.  Below is proof positive of its completion.

Truth be told, they sat on top of the refrigerator for a couple weeks while I waited for the Spousal Unit to mount them on the garage.  Influenced by the film Wonder Woman, I figured I could take matters into my own hands.  I went to the local hardware store, described what I wanted to do, and came home with some hangars.  My pounding on the storage garage wall was enough to bring the Spousal Unit outside to see what I was doing.  Turns out the recommendation at the hardware store didn't work but it did tip Dan-o over the edge so that he came up with a solution and mounted the birdhouses on the garage.

Pretty good, huh?  


Do you remember the book Tuesdays With Morrie?  We have Tuesdays With Maggie (daughter #2), Pete (her Spousal Unit) and Georgia (granddaughter #3, grandchild # 6).  When I was working, I would pick something up on my way to their house from work.  In retirement, we cook!  Tonight's deliciousness was Grilled Baby Back Ribs, which were excellent, if I do say so myself.  We grilled some corn, had some store purchased deli salads and Voila!  Le Diner :)

I meant to add this photo of Jackson (he of the "Hmmm") in the previous post but the aging brain forget.  Because I think it's a great picture of him, I'll add it here.

Finally, in a burst of creativity and I am pretty danged proud of this, I built a website Sunday afternoon for my fledgling business, The Road Next Taken.  A couple people have asked; I used a template from Go Daddy.  In my opinion, extremely easy to manipulate and have it do and say what I was hoping the website would do and say.  I felt particularly crafty at figuring out the upcoming classes feature (which I believe was Upcoming Events in the template).  I am soliciting business, BTW.  My classes are a perfect fit for any community that engages people ages Fifty Plus.  You don't have to live in the Twin Cities to book a class; I love to travel.  Be creative--what about your faith community?  School district?  Community Center?  Community College?  Business?  Just send me a contact and I'll connect.

Who says you can't teach an old dog new tricks?


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