In Praise of the Christmas Card
Recently I heard some younger than me radio commentators question the need for Christmas cards. Their rationale for not sending cards included the following: 1. Nothing of worth comes via snail mail any longer. Communications are conducted primarily, if not exclusively, through text, messenger, email. 2. Everyone is on social media. Throughout the year, everyone has shared with everyone else anything of note happening in their lives, thus negating the need for not only a card, but also the often mocked Christmas letter. If you already know what's happened during the past year, why regurgitate it in a Christmas letter often populated with adjectives of excess (the best! most wonderful! amazing! so blessed!). 3. Cards themselves require a fair amount of time to create, if in fact you don't simply purchase a box of cards at the local Hallmark or Target or Walmart. First you need to choose a company which produces photo cards, the...