Ten After
I regulate my morning by what time the exercise class I'm attending that day begins. To my great fortune, it's a quick trip from my bed to the Community Center where classes are held. And because I am always loathe to roll out of bed, I have it timed down to the last possible minute as to when I need to put it in gear. There is, however, an enormous difference between the clock showing five after the hour and ten after. At five after, I am well assured all morning toilette activities can be completed in time for me to be on time for class. At five after, I've learned, I can even add in a quick pit stop for Benny outdoors, if necessary, along with luring him back into our bedroom where his kennel and other doggie accoutrements are located. "Good dog," I say, bribing him with a treat as I close the door behind me. At ten after, I'm really rolling the dice. There is a surge of adrenalin as I rush through the prep and more than once I have lef...