"A Blessing From God"
WARNING: A SNARKY RANT TO COME (not that most of my posts don't have some degree of snarkiness in them)
Well, well, well. Since I last wrote, would you have ever predicted all the s*#t that's happened in the interim? Naw, me neither, and I do enjoy a substantial dose of sarcasm every day.
A few different comments/things I've read or heard have been bubbling up, churning their way into a blog post and I've chosen to combine them here.
I listen to far too many podcasts for my own good. One I've come to heavily rely on during these unprecedented times (anyone else ready to see Webster's retire the word unprecedented) is the Osterholm Update: COVID-19 from the University of Minnesota. In his most recent podcast, Dr. Osterholm described two phenomenon he's seeing: COVID Fatigue, probably familiar to most of you, and COVID Anger. In short, people are exhausted and pissed. There's a dynamite combination. Subsequently I read an article about stages of grief as it applies to COVID. This piece, and I apologize for not recalling its author and where it appeared, suggested that relative to COVID, anger may be perceived as a positive emotion in the sense that it has the capacity to spur you to action. You're tired? You're pissed? Do something about it! As my friend Karen always says, make a plan! I'll offer a suggestion: send an email or text to anyone on your list under the age of 40(ish) and encourage, nay, insist they vote. Without the power of the free elections, our democracy will be flushed down the anarchist toilet. None of us, regardless of our political leanings, wants that and if you do, get yourself a passport and don't let the door hit you in the ass on your way into the plane (here's the most current list of countries that will accept you...make sure you read the small print about COVID-19 testing, isolating at your own expense, etc. There are some rather nice Caribbean islands on the list--remember everything there comes in on container ships and costs significantly more than it does on the mainlands).
Then I listened to, at least to my ears, a great explanation of the Evangelical movement on the NPR podcast Throughline. This is a group of Christians that have defied my understanding and the podcast shed some light on the beliefs espoused there.
Sometime this summer, I noted a rise in the number of articles about COVID-19s impact on women, in particular working mothers. What I read surprised me not in the least. A few headlines: Coronavirus is Killing the Working Mother. Covid-19 Forced Mothers to Take Time Off Work--Rather than Fathers. Pandemic Could Scar a Generation of Working Mothers. And this quote from an article in Fast Company:
You nailed it, Mary!