Where is that masked man when you need him?

Well, hmm.  Here we are, weeks after the Grand Opening, and in a surprise to probably just about no one, cases of COVID-19 are rising in places where people are gathering without social distancing and wearing masks.

Today I found myself reminiscing about three laws that were passed to protect us from ourselves and others.  

Law Number One: the seat belt law. Gradually studies demonstrated that wearing a seat belt in your car protected those belted in from serious injury in case of an accident.  (Anyone remember the PSA "Seat Belts Save Lives?") Slowly but surely, from 1966-1970, seat belts became a standard feature in new cars.  People complained about wearing them.  Vociferously.  Seat belts choked you.  They prevented you from turning the steering wheel.  It was more difficult to reach the ash tray when wearing a seat belt.  You couldn't change the radio station or adjust the volume if the seat belt was holding you fast in place.  In the event your car went underwater (never mind how negligent the driver might be in putting said car into the water), the seat belt would prevent you from escape.  

It wasn't until 1989 that seat belt use was mandated in 34 states.  New Hampshire still doesn't mandate the use of seat belts.  In 2010, the National Highway Safety Transportation Administration reported an 85% compliance with seat belt laws.

What's of note about this?  It took from the early sixties until almost 1990 before a law that protects us from ourselves and others was enacted.

Law Number Two: the drunk driving law.  New Jersey enacted the first law that specifically criminalized driving an automobile while intoxicated, in 1906.  In 1938, the American Medical Association created a "Committee to Study Problems of Motor Vehicle Accidents". At the same time, the National Safety Council set up a "Committee on Tests for Intoxication".  Most of the laws and penalties were greatly enhanced starting in the late 1970s, and through the 1990s, largely due to pressure from groups like Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD) and Students Against Destructive Decisions (SADD)  (source: Wikipedia)

Again, please note: It took from 1906 to late in the twentieth century before a law that protects us from ourselves and others was enacted.

Law Number Three: no smoking laws.  I have a vivid memory of being at my maternal grandmother's house when the report from the Surgeon General  was the lead story on the CBS Nightly News with Walter Cronkite.  To recap: WARNING: THE SURGEON GENERAL HAS DETERMINED THAT CIGARETTE SMOKING IS DANGEROUS TO YOUR HEALTH.  This was 1964.  In 1975 the U.S. state of Minnesota enacted the Minnesota Clean Indoor Air Act, making it the first state to restrict smoking in most public spaces. At first restaurants were required to have "No Smoking" sections, and bars were exempt from the Act. ... As of April 2009 there were 37 states with some form of smoking ban.

Wow, this one moved a whole lot faster, didn't it?  (Although my dad, God bless him, went to his grave convinced that lung cancer research was bogus.)

Allow me to pull the intended threads through here.  

COVID-19 is a novel coronavirus.  My daughter, Maggie, often reminds me of this as it is so critically important.  Although much has been learned about this virus over the past six months, the aggregate amount of researched, validated information is miniscule.  (Listen to the Osterholm Report podcast if in doubt of same.)  If you engage in conversation about COVID-19, you're acutely aware of this.  Once states began their GRAND OPENINGS, it appeared to me as if we were all going to be mired in the agar of the petri dish of the greatest (most unprecedented, if you will) public health experiment.  I'm sticking with that.  Over my working career, I learned and relearned and relearned that it was what I didn't know that would come back to bite me in the ass (over and over and over...).  

I believe the same is true now.  What we don't know is what is more significant than what we do.  And what we know fits into a thimble, if that.

So, okay.  If I listen with the intent to understand rather than with the intent to respond, I believe I'm hearing a couple things in regard to the virus.

1. Socially distancing helps prevent the spread of virus transmission.
2. Masks probably do, too.
3. Being outside is probably the safest place to be.
4. Combination of 1 and 2 and 3 are about the best bet we've got right now, until possibly, maybe, could be (etc.) a vaccine is available.

Now, as a society, we're slow to move on information that protects us from ourselves and others.  (See notations, laws 1-3, above).  So I'm going to make a purely personal entreaty for you to wear those masks and conduct social distancing!

A. 1.  Social isolation is not good for ANYONE.  Multiple articles continue to be published defining the damage done by social distancing...for this blog, I'm editing it to be social isolation.  We can't keep ourselves and our children and our grandchildren and our greats (etc.) withering on the vine without long term psychological, social and emotional damage.  (If you're bored and wanting to do some research, google PTSD and ACES social determinants of health.)  Personally I am ready to expand my bubble in a best bet way (see #4).

2. d.  I am the most anxious I have been in YEARS...and I'm already on medication.  I hear the anxiety ringing in the voices of literally everyone I talk with.  If we all could just agree to numbers 1 and 2 above, it would go a long way to decreasing (not eliminating) my anxiety...and yours...and your family's...and your neighbors...and your friends...

4. c.  The devastating effect on the economy not doing number 1 and 2 above will have.  In my bubble, I am refraining from going into big box stores, malls, etc. because not all the people working in these establishments are wearing masks and worse yet, there are so few people wearing masks.  Do they understand that when they choose not to (my body, my choice), they are putting that business in jeopardy?  Should the workers contract the virus, the potential result is the business will again have to shut down.  COME ON, PEOPLE, GET A CLUE.

8. k.  Yes, I fully acknowledge this is a remarkably dense systems issue.  But as is my wont, I'm reverting to the LCD: lowest common denominator.  In this case, the LCD is number 1 and 2 above.  To repeat: socially distance and wear a mask.

B. z.  Given the definitive lack of federal leadership and the patchwork approach then left to states and local governments to cobble together, this is a movement we, the people need to jump on.  And contact your local and state officials to insist they go further than suggesting or recommending or saying it's a good idea to social distance and wear masks.  (Don't waste your time on your national representatives.  That's worse than spitting in the wind.)  Seat belts were a "good idea," as were no smoking in public places and driving drunk.  It took longer for those good ideas to be put into law than we have time for.  Yes, the time is NOW.  So as soon as you finish reading this blog, I'm entreating you--look up the names and email addresses of your local mayor, city council representative and ask them to put in place an ordinance that requires the wearing of masks in any indoor space, punishable by removal of the business license if they do not enforce it.  Or fine.  Or something else that will make the businesses stand their ground when those among us who say the mask is too uncomfortable or too hot or it ruins their hair or it's their right to choose and refuse to serve them.  And then as long as you've written the email, send it to your state representative and the governor.

No shoes, no shirt, NO MASK, no service.

ps-- I fully realize, thank you very much, Captains Obvious, are not wearing a COVID mask.  If anyone can edit them to wear the COVID mask, I would be most appreciative.

As always, I hope you are having the best possible week you could be having.  


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