Thank you, Miss Creighton (aka Mrs. Perrone)

There are those teachers who made an indelible mark on your educational career--some for the better, others for the worse.  I've been fortunate to have more of the former than the latter.  Lately, I've been revisiting memories of Miss Sheila Creighton (aka Mrs. Perrone) and the class I was extremely lucky to take from her at Notre Dame High School for Girls in Chicago.  

The class was U.S. History.  Miss Creighton had the highest standards of about any teacher at NDHS.  It was lecture with sidebars where she shared her extensive knowledge of the subject.  She outlined her presentation on the blackboard and it was a challenge to keep up with her.  I loved it, especially when we studied the US Constitution and the branches of government.  

Any surprise those memories have been popping up?

Many reasons currently exist to question what the hell is going on in our government these days.  Recalling what I learned about the Constitution from Miss Creighton has actually been a balm on those days when I want to throw open my windows and shout that I am mad as hell and not going to take it any more.  If Sheila was around, I can envision her standing in front of the class, pointing her well worn down piece of chalk at us, and challenging us to explain how the Constitution defends multiple actions of the current occupant of the White House.  If we attempted to do so, she would have failed us.

(I think I got As in US History, at least a B+ and damn, I worked overtime for those grades.)

Today I listened to the Al Franken Podcast.  I recognize that he is a polarizing figure for some.  I enjoy his podcasts, especially because he has on extraordinarily knowledgeable guests, from politics rather than the entertainment industry. His guest today was Elizabeth Drew who covered Watergate.  She recently wrote an opinion piece for the New York Times about the current impeachment inquiry.  The point she made most stridently (or so I thought) in the podcast was that the reason why POTUS should be held accountable for his actions is for posterity.  

That struck a chord and brought me back to NDHS and Miss Creighton's classroom.  We had to memorize and recite the Preamble to the Constitution, which states:
We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

I was feeling extremely low about the state of affairs, beginning to believe that no matter what information was uncovered, nothing would change.  These two things today have lifted me at least somewhat from my malaise:

Lindsey Graham:
Sheila Creighton Perrone.  She instilled in me a belief in the sacredness of the US Constitution.  I believe, eventually, defense of the US Constitution by its legislative and judicial branches will prevail.


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