
Showing posts from August, 2019

The Parade of Presidential Hopefuls

I've been meaning to write this all week, but was a little busy.  I did take my computer over to Bridget's where I was on Sloane and Ace patrol for a couple days.  What was I thinking?  I used to write after my kids went to bed, but that was back in the day when I was a Mom, not a Grandma who crawled into bed with the baby as soon as Sloane was tucked in for the night. Onward. Last Saturday, Jeanie (I'm going to stop referencing her as my friend Jeanie because by now you should know she's my friend) and I attended the Presidential Gun Sense Forum, sponsored by Everytown for Gun Safety; Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America and Students Demand Action for Gun Sense in America. I was overwhelmed at the event, not so much by the messaging (all the candidates are in favor of stricter gun laws) but by seeing one after another after another of the candidates in person, maybe 50 feet away.  Gillebrand.  Buttegieg.  Klobuchar.  Hickenlooper (...

TMI: Getting Drunk on Hatred

I've been arguing with myself all day about writing this and finally decided to go ahead, but try to keep it short. Yesterday was our 46th wedding anniversary.  The weather was pretty close to perfect.  Our daughters and their children all came over (He Who Must Not Be Named and family are at the Jersey shore with my daughter-in-law's family).  We sat in the backyard, ate, laughed, played with the kids, held the baby boys, watched the kids play with each other.  It doesn't get too much better than that. Other than, around 5 p.m., I found that I was feeling short tempered and crabby.  Crabby enough that I wondered if I had taken my daily antidepressant; I had.  Everything was getting on my last nerve, especially things that absolutely shouldn't have. And then it dawned on me, and it felt like a smack upside the head. The shootings in El Paso and Dayton (regardless of what Ohio city POTUS thinks the shootings occurred in). Yep.  PTSD. (If int...