"...Excellent Field Trip..." Post 7

Good morning!  The pancakes yesterday were delicious, thanks for asking.  While the Spousal Unitwas cooking, I took the opportunity to do a little dog yoga in the yard.  Julie, a miniature Australian Shepherd, belongs to Nico, Jeanie's German exchange son and his family.  She has been voted the Nicest Dog in the World.

The Spousal Unit and I did have an Excellent Field Trip adventure yesterday as we drove together (without someone else) from Cascina to Pisa, a distance of 20 km.  We made it there and back without incident; driving here is still at least a bit of a challenge.  The iconic Leaning Tower, for me, was a breathtaker.  So many places and things you see while traveling are in that category.  You've read about them, seen them in films or online, etc. yet when they come into view, your breath catches in your threat and all you can say is, "Wow."

We also encountered the first potential pickpocket as we walked away from the Tower.  One of the first things a very lovely woman said to me when we got off the plane in Florence was to keep my purse close because of pickpockets.  Yesterday I felt that someone was following just a bit too close behind me.  When I swung my purse around from back to front, the person dropped off.  Happens everywhere.

We stopped at the grocery store on our way home and there I had a miming conversation with a store clerk that I needed anti-itch medicine for all the bug bites we are sporting.  I did my best imitation of a bug zooming in, showing the bite it left and then itching it.  Came home with two tubes of anti-itch medicine.  Success!

Dryers must have committed the same grievous crime that bubblers have over here since most European homes have washers, but not dryers.  This, however, gave us the opportunity to dry our clothes on the line, which so reminded me of my mother doing laundry.  

Every Sunday, the Spousal Unitand I have a steak for dinner, hence our calling this day Steak Sunday.  We had been commenting on regional foods we have and have yet to eat and bistecca Florentine came up.  Ah, an ideal opportunity to expand the tradition.  So last night we had Steak Sunday a la Bistecca Florentine for dinner, where Bill asked if everyone had enjoyed a great first week in Italy.  To which we responded with a resounding YES and then toasted with a Salud!

Today we are headed to Vinci, birthplace of Leonardo da.  2019 is the 500th anniversary of Da Vinci's death and we are looking forward to touring the museums there.  And tonight we are being treated to a meal cooked by an Italian chef!  Double Salud.


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