"...Excellent Field Trip..." Post 11
We're on the home stretch of this Excellent Field Trip, having made our way from Italy to Belgium where we're staying with our exchange daughter, Elena and her family. I'd like to report that we navigated the Pisa airport without our typical Silly American Tourist shenanigans. We didn't, but we arrived here just the same. If I were to rate the airports we've been through this trip, Brussels is the top of the list, bar none. Easy to navigate, designed with what felt like common sense in mind, beautiful, clean, filled with light. In every airport we have been aware of the presence of armed security and police. Such are the times we live in. Since our last visit, Elena and her husband George have had a son, Nikitas (Nikki), 3. They were waiting for us and Nikki literally jumped into my arms and hugged, hugged, hugged me. How did I come to be so blessed? Elena is originally from Moldova, George from Greece, they both speak Dutch as the...