"We Are Better Than That"

Today I took the time to listen to the eulogies delivered by Pres. George W. Bush and Pres. Barack Obama in tribute to Sen. John McCain.

You are probably familiar with Sen. McCain's response to a woman at a Lakeville, MN Town Hall during the 2008 Presidential campaign.  She said to the Senator that she could not trust then Sen. Obama because he was, "An Arab."  Quickly, without notes, without an aide whispering in his ear, without a teleprompter, Sen. McCain said, "No, ma'am.  He's a decent family man, a citizen that I just happen to have disagreements with on fundamental issues, and that's what this campaign is all about."

I recall that exchange and in particular remember sitting back in my chair when I heard it, saying, "Wow."  And while, as Sen. McCain himself said, I personally had disagreements with him on fundamental issues, I firmly believed that the country would be in good hands were he to be elected President.

Over the past week, so many have spoken so eloquently about the essence of Sen. McCain.  Many also are mourning his passing in the context of a world view of dignity and inalienable rights for all having now, too, passed with the Senator.

As Pres. Bush reminded all of America today, John McCain believed that we are all better than that.

In Pres. Obama's remarks, he quoted Ernest Hemingway: "Today is only one day in all the days that will ever be. But what will happen in all the other days that will ever come can depend on what you do today.”  He also referenced Pres. Teddy Roosevelt's “Man in the Arena.” Roosevelt speaks of those who strive, who dare to do great things, who sometimes win and sometimes come up short, but always relish a good fight – a contrast to those cold, timid souls who know neither victory nor defeat.

Driving home, the electronic banner at a local church flashed the following message: "Don't just hear the Word, be the Doer of the Word as well."

There it is, the Mission, if you chose to accept it.  If you had any feelings of admiration or respect or appreciation or any emotion bordering on that for the late Sen. McCain, accepting the Mission would be an "easily done" was to honor his legacy.


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