Teach Your Children Well

Perhaps you remember this song by Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young.

Yesterday afternoon I called my friend Jeanie to check in.  She answered from the March for Our Lives in Des Moines, Iowa, where it was snowing.  Big, wet flakes.

I'm embarrassed to say that I was sitting by the pool overlooking the beach, not marching.  

In reading all the accounts of the March and watching the coverage on TV, my overwhelming emotion was one of pride about how our young people have stepped into the breach we adults have left them.  And even as I post this blog, I am not convinced we have taught our children well.  We have left them to fend for themselves and they are ferociously wrapping themselves in clothes of their own weaving.  They look us straight in our hooded, downcast eyes.  Stop it, they say.  We know better--the anthem young people have been singing to their elders for generations and generations.  Children of the 60's believed this with a vengeance that the times, they were a changing.  During that time, I did not believe that my parents taught me well.  If anything, I was rebelling against what they believed.

I'm not trying to compare any former movements that brought significant societal change to this one.  Each is unique unto itself although lessons are learned, paths are paved (and sometimes later plowed over).

Every movement develops its own ethos, its own perspective.  This one, it seems to me, is peerless in the leadership role seized by the young people.

Did someone teach them to do that?

Why, at this moment, are the adults who ordinarily rush in to assume charge of the revolution, stepping back for the children?

As I listened to the replay of one of the student speeches this morning, the old English teacher in me felt a small swell of pride.  This young lady--and all the speakers--fearlessly approached the podium with an overpowering belief that what they had to say needed to be heard.  They exhibit a poise well beyond their years.  Their speeches are phenomenally well constructed and delivered in a manner that should put many adults to shame.

Someone did teach them to do that.  In that sense, I think, we did teach our children well.  For the rest of it, the verdict is still out as we have yet to act on what our children are trying to teach us.

We have been eating quite a bit of fresh fish because, duh, we're in Florida.  Friday I made some cod, very simply cooked and very delicious.  This was my own concoction, nothing fancy and culled from years of cooking.  Sorry, NYTimes.

Gently Fried Cod
Any fresh, flaky fish, approximately 4-6 ozs. per person, cut into filets
1/2-1 c flour
1/2-1 c bread crumbs
2 (or more) tsp blackening seasoning of your choice
1 egg beaten
2 T olive oil
2 T butter

1. Pat fish filets dry.
2. Mix blackening seasoning into the bread crumbs.
3. Heat olive oil and butter in a skillet.
4. Coat fish with flour.  Dip into egg.  Coat fish with bread crumbs.
5. Brown on both sides, cover, cook about 10 minutes until done.  Thicker fillets require more cooking time.


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