This Has Nothing to Do With Retirement

I'm going to begin with a disclosure that at least some of you are familiar with.

Almost 25 years ago, our family and our framily, the Smiths, were in the Drake Diner in Des Moines when it was robbed and two people brutally murdered.  One of the bullet casings bounced off Voldemort's foot (see previous blog regarding Voldemort).  The oldest children were called to testify in court.  The memories can still cause my blood to run cold and my heart to beat faster than it should.  Every mass shooting invokes the memory of being under the table at the Diner, holding our youngests close.  The oldest children were seated at a booth directly across from the register where the murders took place.  I remember the first shot sounded something like a wait staff had dropped a platter of glasses.  Or maybe a light bulb had exploded.  The restaurant went silent.  My eyes locked with Jeanie's, sitting across the booth from me.  Slowly we sank to the floor when the second shot fired.  I had no idea if our oldest children were safe.  Unless you've been there, you can't imagine what that feels like.

So today I had a few moments of terror and fear and anxiety based on reality.  As the congressional members narrated what happened, I knew.  I got it.  I took a bunch of deep breaths and offered, as my friend Peggy taught me, the highest and best for all concerned.  I sat silently and allowed the sensations to wash over me, and then, because I have the gift of the distance of time and space, moved on with my day.  I experienced a moment of cynicism when one of the cable stations interviewed a congressman who had been on the field and identified him as a second baseman/outfielder.  Really, now these guys are baseball players, too?  Again, full disclosure--my son in law is a recently retired MLB player.  He doesn't pretend to be a legislator when he has a political opinion.

I really, really, REALLY  thought the gun debate would finally be over after Sandy Hook.  Babies.  Murdered.  In their classrooms.  When the President couldn't contain his tears, I thought, okay, NOW, as a country, we will move to limit gun ownership.  

We didn't.

Of course the discourse on gun control and gun ownership is ramping up.  As is one political side blaming the other.  

I would like to say enough already yet I know it's not.  

I am heart sick.


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