
Showing posts from January, 2021

Your Questions Answered

  A number of you have asked some very thoughtful questions re: driving to Florida. In today’s edition of the blog, I’ll attempt to answer a few of these. 1. How many miles from Minnetonka to Belleair Beach?  According to the Spousal Unit, it is 1,620 miles.   2. How far do you drive every day?  We go about 8 hours the first day, usually sponging off my sister in Arlington Heights, IL or my sister-in-law in Kankakee, IL. Due to COVID, we bypassed staying with relatives and spent the night in a dog friendly hotel in Rensselaer, IN.  Second day is our longest, ending in Dalton, Georgia.  Third day we pull into our home away from home late afternoon, early evening.  We tend to get on the road each day between 8 and 8:30 a.m. 3.  Ah, yes, the dog.  How does he travel?  Hank travels like a champ.  We bring his blankies and set him up in the back seat, where he engages in the same behavior as he does at home.  He sleeps. 4. What do y...

What? Winter Love?

  I have written, some might justifiably say too often, about my dislike of cold weather--not just winter, though that season takes the brunt of my complaints.  Cold and I simply do not mix. Minnesota has been enjoying a mild winter.  I'm not sure the temperature has dipped zero.  I know for certain we haven't had one of those prolonged cold snaps that keep children from going to school (when that was the case) due to fear of frostbite contracted while standing at the bus stop.  The warm for winter weather wasn't enough to entice me to go walking.  I still look, with a mixture of admiration and consternation, at the regulars parading up and down our street, regardless of the temperature. I've spent more time outdoors this winter, however, than in probably the past two decades combined.  This was due to:          1. Grandchildren who do not share my 'fear of freezing' gene     2. Remembering I had purchased, on a whim ...


Alex Azar and his boss, President Donald Trump Alex Azar is a big fat, bold faced liar. IF this doesn't convince you that your administration has been lying to you all along, then you need a brain transplant. Today, the Secretary of Health and Human Services, with a mouth full of marbles, danced around the fact that his agency has been LYING all along in regards to the reserve of COVID-19 vaccine promised to all 50 states. This piles on top of the shit show it is to get in line for the vaccine, even if you are considered in the first tier of those eligible for it. IF you, at any point, questioned the validity of the 2020 election, the time to stop that is NOW because these lying liars have deliberately put you and your loved ones in jeopardy--to what end? As the children's book by Mercer Mayer states, I WAS (AM) SO MAD.  

My Mom Didn't Win the Publisher's Clearing House

My dad was one of the smartest people I ever knew.  He also possessed some of the quirkiest of quirks entirely not commensurate with his educational and professional attainments. Once, when we were visiting over the Christmas holidays, he and I got to talking about how they were financially positioned for retirement.  Dad was never one to spill all the beans, so to speak, but he let me know that he and my mother would be able to enjoy the retirement they had hoped and planned for.  Then, in kind of a sly aside, he said to me, "Well, it might be a whole lot better than that.  Your mother is a finalist in the Publisher's Clearing House." He was so sincere and so excited, I hesitated to deliver the bad news.  I, too, had received an envelope from the company, identifying me as a finalist.  So had everyone during that cycle of solicitation from the Publisher's Clearing House. Gently, I said, "Oh, Dad.  Maybe she will be but that's what all the letters said...

The Signs in the Garage

I've always been interested in history.  That we've traveled to locations where history was made, where civilizations grew and fell, has been one of the great gifts in my life.  Our first trip to Europe stunned me with buildings and places that existed long before America was established.  Last winter's trip to Israel really knocked my socks off with its intersection of ancient and biblical history, not to mention the genesis of Christianity and Judaism.  I'm still working that through. As a youngster, history was a series of stories that happened to the long dead who either 1) made some outstanding choices or b) really fucked up.  (Obviously there is middle ground there, too.)  For the main, I liked to believe that my forebearers operated out of number 1).  Naturally my familial line would have thrown in with those whose decisions and actions only served to improve the lot of all.  And face it, when you're in elementary school, the good sisters s...