Your Questions Answered
A number of you have asked some very thoughtful questions re: driving to Florida. In today’s edition of the blog, I’ll attempt to answer a few of these. 1. How many miles from Minnetonka to Belleair Beach? According to the Spousal Unit, it is 1,620 miles. 2. How far do you drive every day? We go about 8 hours the first day, usually sponging off my sister in Arlington Heights, IL or my sister-in-law in Kankakee, IL. Due to COVID, we bypassed staying with relatives and spent the night in a dog friendly hotel in Rensselaer, IN. Second day is our longest, ending in Dalton, Georgia. Third day we pull into our home away from home late afternoon, early evening. We tend to get on the road each day between 8 and 8:30 a.m. 3. Ah, yes, the dog. How does he travel? Hank travels like a champ. We bring his blankies and set him up in the back seat, where he engages in the same behavior as he does at home. He sleeps. 4. What do y...