The Joy of Being From Somewhere Else
I suppose this could just as easily be titled the joy of going home but no, not really, because I’m not going home. I’ve lived in the Twin Cities twice as long as I lived in Chicago so home is Minnesota not Illinois. Yet I will always be from somewhere else. As I compose this draft, the Spousal Unit (™) and I are riding the CTA Orange Line with a transfer to the Blue Line from Midway out to, well, where I was last from before moving to Minnesota . I screwed up our plane reservations and booked us into Midway rather than O’Hare. When my sister noticed, my only option was to repurchase the ticket so I decided we’d take the CTA out to O’Hare. This will take us longer than it did to fly from MSP to MDW. I’m not upset about it, though. Because there is joy in being from Somewhere Else. When you return, every sense is assailed by the somewhere else left behind and indelibly etched in you. For me, it begins as a small...