Silly Me
Earlier today, on NPR, Mitt Romney, the sole Republican willing to say that what the President is (and has been) doing is "troubling," was asked why none of his Republican colleagues are speaking out against the President's words and actions. Paraphrasing, here's what he said: "Power. Republicans control the White House and the Senate. They don't want to give up their power. Mitch McConnell, the Majority Level, gets to say which bills will and will not be heard. That's a lot of power." My heart sank, in similar fashion to when I attended the Presidential Forum on Gun Safety. There, Democratic candidates for their party's nomination, one after another, confirmed that when the President says, "We need to pass laws on improved background checks," Wayne LaPierre, President of the NRA, tools into the Oval Office the next day. Wayne tells Donald, no, you're not going to pass laws on improved background checks, Donald says, oh, o...