A Brief and Magnificent Moment With My Mortality
Not infrequently, I babysit for my youngest daughter and son-in-law. When I do, I stay overnight. From my perspective, I can go to sleep in a nice, warm, comfy bed in my jammies when I’m tired as opposed to curling up on the couch, feeling grungey. I also don’t have to drive home in the dark. From their perspective, they can stay out as long as the spirit moves them without worrying about getting home. I’m going with the win/win on this one. Yesterday I babysat and as I was getting my stuff together to stay over, it dawned on me that this wouldn’t be quite as easy an evening because once I got the 3 1/2 year old granddaughter to bed, there was the 2 month old grandson who still is getting acclimated to the societal concepts of time and sleep. As in, you go to bed like at 10:00 pm-ish and then you sleep through the night. (Or, in my case, you wake up to go to the bathroom but then directly back to bed in the hope of falling back to sleep.) The ...