Obligatory Trip Around the Sun Assessment
I'm preparing to celebrate the annual trip around the sun tomorrow, which always feels like an opportune moment to step back, savor the view, and see if you're ready to address a couple of life's big questions with the advantage of another year of wisdom under the belt. First, of course, is determining what Life's Big Questions are. For that, I turned to the Google. Here's what I found: https://www.quora.com/What-are-the-top-10-big-philosophical-questions-most-people-wonder-about . There were a bundle of other sites as well, most with a Biblical bent. Not all of the Life's Big Questions are ones that I found myself pondering at any point during this last year, but a couple were. 1. What is the meaning of life? I actually witched around this one with significant angst during my adolescent years and landed on something my maternal grandmother told me: "You are here to leave the world a better place than it was before you were born." The ongoi...