
Showing posts from October, 2018

Who Shaped You?

One of my goals for 2018 was to reconnect with " Old friends/Always friends " that have impacted my life and, if you will, shaped me. At this stage in the journey, it's rather sobering to realize how long said friends have been in your life.  My grade school and high school girlfriends, for example--over 50 years.  College friends, bumping up on that mark.  And the friends made during adulthood, well over 25 years. Recently, with the able bodied assistance of friends Kathy and Marlene, we got the old Childbirth Education Association of Greater Minneapolis St. Paul (CEA), a now defunct organization, band back together.  There were a group of us that shared sisterhood which surpassed making a difference for childbearing women and families.  I will not be shy about that.  We made an impact and once we completed our work in CEA, went on to continue to make an impact in a number of arenas.  Impressive women, all.   One of the 'band' was unab...

Butternut Squash Soup--A Product of Mortification

Today I forgot I was scheduled to teach a class. The reason I'm sharing this is the personal hope that I won't do it again. It was on the calendar.  I just completely forgot about it. And I am MORTIFIED.  MORT-I-FIED. The spousal unit said, "That is so unlike you."  That did make me feel better. When I spoke at a conference this week, the session next to me was about Forgetfulness and when it should be considered a problem.  Hmm... Once I got past the sick to my stomach sensation that accompanied checking the voice mail where I was gently reminded that I wasn't there and was I coming and returned the call to apologize profusely, which was about all I could do, I decided to go on Domestic Goddess Duty, while watching reruns of the original Domestic Goddess, Roseanne.  (I know it's probably not PC to say that I was doing that, but, oh well.) I have a plethora of squash from my garden and intended to convert some of it into soup on Sunday.  Mo...