
Showing posts from July, 2018

Pay Attention

This morning, I read in the Minneapolis Star Tribune that many people interviewed in Anoka County, part of the 7 county Metro Atea and heavily Republican, said they paid no attention to the recent Trump-Putin Summit. Really? We are all entitled to our opinions regarding how our President is providing leadership for the country.  I recently summed up my feelings in a Facebook post.  And because we are a democratic republic, I firmly believe you are entitled to your feelings as well. However, allow me to encourage one and all to express an informed opinion. And in order to do that, you must PAY ATTENTION! The Washington Post reminds us that “Democracy dies in darkness.”  If we don’t pay attention, we will ourselves to remaining in the dark. I have been hearing and reading that some are giving up listening to the news and what the President says because it’s too frustrating or aggravating or sad or annoying or ridiculous or exhausting.  They are saying they ...

The Totally Unnecessary and Unwarranted Need to Defend a State of Being--but I'm doing it anyway

Has anyone else started counting how many times Serena Williams, one badass woman if there ever was one, is being referred to as a mother during the Wimbledon commentary?  As if it is a terrible,paralyzing, at all costs to be avoided detriment to her tennis skills and ability to win?  And that tomorrow morning (our time), TWO MOTHERS will be playing on Centre Court?  Oh, the horror!  Oh, the humanity. Gimme a freakin' break. I need to pay a bit more attention to this, however I believe it is predominantly the male commentators, not Chrissie Evert and Mary Jo Fernandez, who incessantly bring this up.  If Serena misses a shot, it's because she had a baby, after all, and had to take time off, which means that she absolutely, positively must struggle. In fairness, if another player has been sidelined because of an injury, the commentators reference back to that repeatedly as well. Somehow or other, the injury thing makes more sense to me.  Childbirth?...

Living the hyperbolic, superlative life

Hyperbole: exaggerated statements or claims not meant to be taken literally. Superlative:  of the highest quality or degree. Right off the bat, let me say that in my humble opinion, listening to others living this kind of life is nothing short of exhausting!  Virtually every other word out of our President's mouth or off his fingertips as he types is either hyperbole or superlative.  What makes it even more exhausting is his limited supply of hyperbolic words and superlatives.  GREAT.  TREMENDOUS.  TERRIFIC. THE BEST. SMART. AMAZING. HUGE. DANGEROUS.  STUPID.  WEAK.  LOSER. BAD. Am I missing any? It also seems to me that as a society, we have decided that good enough is no longer great.  We don't simply have a good time, it was THE BEST NIGHT EVER.  The meal at the restaurant wasn't just good, it was THE MOST DELICIOUS THING I EVER ATE.  The movie?  BETTER THAN ANYTHING ELSE I'VE SEEN THIS YEAR. All this OUTLOUDness...