The Turn Over of the O'Brien Wall of Fame
Before we remodeled our kitchen 5 years ago, we updated it probably 20 years ago. That's when the O'Brien Wall of Fame was born. On one wall, which still exists, we mounted a combination white board/bulletin board. Currently the white board is covered with magnets from places we have traveled. The grandchildren love them and I usually find them scattered all over the house after a visit. There are a few pieces of grandchild artwork, a couple notices, some coupons we've purchased from local schoolkids that we will never use. Previously the white board sported phone numbers, messages from family members to each other, important dates or events to remember. I kinda miss those days, although with the way Dan and my memories are operating, we may need to revert to that usage soon. For as long as I can remember, the bulletin board has been full of photos. Some are from recent events, but that's diminished since we so seldom print out any photos....