Sex and the City
No, this post is NOT about sex but I am going to posit a question a la Carrie Bradshaw, she of Sex and the City. Plus I figured having sex in the title might be a good way to draw readers. Before I retired, many already retirees would look at me with something akin to sympathy and tell me that it would take me awhile, but I would find a routine. I've been ruminating over this quite a bit, which leads me to wonder--Why is it important for people leaving the routine of the workforce to then burden themselves with a new routine? Because, after all, isn't that something we're all looking forward to with baited breath once we retire? That we can jettison the routine, do whatever we want, whenever we want? (I previously wrote about the value of getting into an exercise routine, which I have been adhering to rather religiously. Therefore, I exempt exercise from the ensuing conversation about routines.) And don't get me started about schedules. Definiti...