"When I Retire, I Want to Spend More Time With My Grandchildren."
Today is day 20 of our month long stay in Florida. It is also day 7 of having grandchildren (and their parents) stay with us. Ah, the chaos of young children. A brief list of things I had conveniently forgotten about a 24-7 stay with infants, toddlers and preschoolers. Your day starts early. Good news--you will get to see the sun rise. Your day ends (relatively) early. You watch the sunset at the beach, go home, have a snack, take a bath, read stories...you know the drill. Bad news--you miss all those network television shows you follow. Good news--this will force you to learn how to download the apps so you can stream them and watch them later. Noise, the ever lovely chatter of children, is a continual background stream. Good news--there is no reason to turn on the television, so you can blissfully live without knowing what our President has done to make you not so proud to be an American (paid political comment). Your once pristine rental townhou...